SELECT id,domain,slug,uniqueId,data,url,experience,view,active,waktu FROM listing_data WHERE slug=? and uniqueId=? ORDER BY JSON_EXTRACT(data,'$.premium') DESC, waktu DESC SELECT id,domain,slug,uniqueId,data,url,experience,view,active,waktu FROM listing_data WHERE active=? and JSON_EXTRACT(data,'$.render')!=? and id!=? and (id < ? or id > ?) and JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(data, '$')) IS NOT NULL ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 0,5SELECT id,domain,slug,uniqueId,data,url,experience,view,active,waktu FROM listing_data WHERE active=? and JSON_EXTRACT(data,'$.render')!=? and id!=? and (id < ? or id > ?) and JSON_EXTRACT(data,'$.premium')=? and JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(data, '$')) IS NOT NULL ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 0,5
largestContentfulPaint | 1.78 Sec |
observedFirstMeaningfulPaintTs | 125715386756 |
observedTimeOriginTs | 125714365256 |
cumulativeLayoutShift | 0 Sec |
observedFirstContentfulPaint | 1.02 Sec |
firstContentfulPaint | 0.84 Sec |
observedCumulativeLayoutShiftMainFrame | 0 Sec |
observedTimeOrigin | 0 Sec |
observedFirstPaint | 0.71 Sec |
firstMeaningfulPaint | 0.95 Sec |
observedFirstMeaningfulPaint | 1.02 Sec |
observedFirstContentfulPaintAllFramesTs | 125715386756 |
observedNavigationStartTs | 125714365256 |
observedCumulativeLayoutShift | 0 Sec |
observedTraceEndTs | 125720049560 |
observedTotalCumulativeLayoutShift | 0 Sec |
totalBlockingTime | 0.16 Sec |
observedLoadTs | 125716237339 |
observedNavigationStart | 0 Sec |
observedTraceEnd | 5.68 Sec |
observedLargestContentfulPaintTs | 125715386756 |
observedFirstPaintTs | 125715077841 |
observedLastVisualChange | 1.02 Sec |
observedDomContentLoaded | 0.97 Sec |
observedFirstVisualChangeTs | 125715387256 |
observedLargestContentfulPaintAllFrames | 1.02 Sec |
observedSpeedIndex | 1.02 Sec |
observedDomContentLoadedTs | 125715333507 |
observedFirstContentfulPaintTs | 125715386756 |
observedLoad | 1.87 Sec |
cumulativeLayoutShiftMainFrame | 0 Sec |
observedLastVisualChangeTs | 125715387256 |
speedIndex | 1.93 Sec |
observedSpeedIndexTs | 125715387850 |
totalCumulativeLayoutShift | 0 Sec |
observedFirstVisualChange | 1.02 Sec |
maxPotentialFID | 0.25 Sec |
observedLargestContentfulPaint | 1.02 Sec |
observedFirstContentfulPaintAllFrames | 1.02 Sec |
interactive | 3.33 Sec |
observedLargestContentfulPaintAllFramesTs | 125715386756 |