Listing #7844260

The Tiny Book is your one-stop travel blog to plan the perfect holiday in Crete and the rest of Greece. The Tiny Book focuses on travel on the Greek island of ...


Website Performance

observedTraceEndTs 574461863639
firstMeaningfulPaint 0.43 Sec
observedTimeOrigin 0 Sec
observedLargestContentfulPaint 2 Sec
observedFirstVisualChange 1.48 Sec
observedLastVisualChange 2.48 Sec
observedCumulativeLayoutShift 0 Sec
observedLargestContentfulPaintAllFrames 2 Sec
firstContentfulPaint 0.42 Sec
timeToFirstByte 0.19 Sec
observedFirstContentfulPaintTs 574458384959
observedSpeedIndexTs 574458834227
cumulativeLayoutShiftMainFrame 0 Sec
interactive 2.85 Sec
observedNavigationStartTs 574456889435
cumulativeLayoutShift 0 Sec
observedFirstContentfulPaintAllFrames 1.5 Sec
observedCumulativeLayoutShiftMainFrame 0 Sec
observedLoad 2.66 Sec
observedLargestContentfulPaintTs 574458889311
observedFirstPaintTs 574458384959
speedIndex 1.66 Sec
observedFirstPaint 1.5 Sec
observedTimeOriginTs 574456889435
totalBlockingTime 0.03 Sec
observedLastVisualChangeTs 574459370435
observedFirstMeaningfulPaintTs 574458384959
observedLargestContentfulPaintAllFramesTs 574458889311
observedFirstContentfulPaint 1.5 Sec
observedLoadTs 574459546214
observedNavigationStart 0 Sec
largestContentfulPaint 2.21 Sec
lcpLoadEnd 2.01 Sec
observedDomContentLoaded 1.71 Sec
lcpLoadStart 1.97 Sec
observedSpeedIndex 1.95 Sec
observedDomContentLoadedTs 574458599783
observedTraceEnd 4.97 Sec
observedFirstContentfulPaintAllFramesTs 574458384959
observedFirstVisualChangeTs 574458370435
observedFirstMeaningfulPaint 1.5 Sec
maxPotentialFID 0.07 Sec